What Clients Say
Executive Coach + Mentor
There are very few people who I can speak directly and honestly with and who I value as a sounding board. You can filter the chaff and go to the root of the problem, zero in on the point and provide help, leadership and guidance. The fact that you do this so naturally and as a profession, you make it look so easy – you’re so good at it. You have a great in-depth knowledge of human beings in general. You zero in on what the person is talking about and give solid advice relevant to the situation and challenge. You quickly move to the role where people trust you to give sage advice. How you approach people – that’s what I enjoyed about you right away.
–IT Executive, Healthcare
When things are not going well in life one sometimes hears phrases like “What does not kill you makes you stronger” from colleagues and family who wish to put a positive spin on one’s troubles. Although to some this is a validation of experiencing difficult circumstances, the health care provider in me is screaming an opposing philosophy that “prevention is better than cure”. Nevertheless, to see all things in order to prevent all things undesirable is a tall order – and my first bona fide professional crisis reared up with venom in early 2011. It was like nothing I had ever experienced before and it shone a penetrating bright light on me as a person in a way that extended all the way to the C-suite of my organization. A reputation respected by many was replaced by a reputation questioned by many, including myself. It may sound a little corny or an exaggeration and I can assure you it is neither when I state that to my rescue came Deborah Galuk. She was pivotal in helping me understand why I was in the position I was in. Initially, she nurtured me through a necessary phase of introspection; a personal reappraisal of my own values and how my actions supported or undermined my values. In all of our conversations, she allowed me the space to be right and wrong, to be sure and unsure, and to question and accept. When the time was right, she introduced concrete tools to use in my everyday work to become a better leader and communicator. These tools have helped me reorient my daily actions so they represent my intent in a way that was lacking and that had been a core instigator of my crisis. I use these tools routinely now and they make a real difference.
Deborah Galuk helped me through an extremely challenging part of my professional life. She is the person most responsible for resurrecting me into a better leader and a stronger me. In retrospect, this time of deep introspection has given me a new perspective. I am more ready to appreciate my organization on its terms, rather than want to change it to follow my terms. This readiness is crucial if I am to support my organization rather than hinder it. I see the sweet spots where my own values align with my organization’s values much more clearly. As a result, I am better able to concentrate on these sweet spots and reduce my focus in areas of mal-alignment. I am in a happier and far more productive space.
–Department Chair, Healthcare
I’m a doer and a fixer. When I get stuck, I’m used to tapping my own resources to get back on track. That approach had always worked, until last year, when I couldn’t work my way out of the muck. After being unfocused, overwhelmed and unproductive for months, I finally asked Deborah for some guidance. She was my salvation. . . As my productivity returned, so did my confidence. Deborah helped me get my mojo back!
–Professional Services Business Owner
I enjoy our coaching conversations and think I’ve made great progress toward my goals. You’ve helped me tremendously. Things are going great. My perception of things have changed. I am so much happier. These things that used to be a huge deal no longer trigger me. While I’m still very logical and a “fix it” guy, I’ve expanded how I see things. I have discovered new tools to use with people and situations and this has changed how I’m behaving.
- I now know why I was overreacting to situations, and quickly have stopped doing that.
- I recognized I was living so much on “auto pilot” and now I’m not.
- I am discovering ways to see things differently, and I feel more positive and so much more alive; I used to see the world in black and white, and now I see the world in color. I am happier.
I’m looking forward to continue expanding my comfort zone and find life more nourishing. I would encourage anyone who is open to change to consider “coaching” with you as you have helped me greatly. Many thanks.
–Kevin, Physician, Healthcare
This focus is very good. . . I’ll work on it. (it makes me feel young.) Thank you for the human moments you give me.
–Physician, Healthcare
Trusted Advisor + Outcome Projects
This was the best strategic planning and work sessions we’ve done. We moved logjams through where we’ve been stuck for years. I’m optimistic about what we can do again.
–IT Enterprise Director, Healthcare
She is the best consultant we’ve ever had from either a large or small firm. The change management session Deborah led with my leadership team was the best training session I have ever been through – and I’ve been through a lot of training!
–Colonel, Marine Corps Logistics Bases
Most business process engineering efforts fail not because of a flawed process or technology but because leadership does not pay enough attention to changing behaviors. Deborah clearly understands that causing an organization to honestly examine itself, properly plan for, and wholeheartedly commit to change is the most critical piece in any reengineering effort. The bottom line is that Deborah delivers! I would want her on my team whenever organization development issues are linked to a project or program.
–LOGCON Program Manager, Marine Corps Logistics Bases
As President of our medical association, we needed a dynamic, new approach to our Board strategic planning effort. With Deborah Galuk’s guidance, we engaged our Board members in new ways and got them reenergized and refocused on actionable priorities that serve our mission. We had a harmonious flow between achieving our aggressive goals while allowing for important deliberations to get
there. She kept the group’s energy up even with a full agenda. Her masterful expertise was put to good use and she averted disaster beautifully. I recommend her as a consultant, facilitator and coach and would hire her again.
–Physician Board President, Medical Association
Skill Build Workshops
I wanted to thank you, so many of the things you said resonated with me. You gave tools for dealing with conflict that showed me some of the things I am already doing well as well as areas for more reflection and improvement.
–Professor and Department Head
Thanks, Deborah. It was an excellent workshop and your presentation was phenomenal.
–Assistant Dean
I really enjoyed your talk. I have implemented what you taught us, and I’ve already noticed a difference.
Very interesting! You’ve given me a different approach to looking at how to change myself. Thank you!
–Program Director