I’m so glad you dropped by. While its taken me longer than I’d wanted, I’m pleased to be here and OWNING my web presence ☺.
Here’s my new site – have a browse around and check it out. My plan is to keep this blog a space where we share interesting ideas that matter; a bit of a conversation, as if we were out on a Power Walk + Talk, which is one of my favorite ways to keep up with friends! I will keep the resources and ideas flowing for you here.
As part of the reinvention and new branding, I’ve been purposeful to sort through what matters and what I think – that is where OWN IT was born! I used writing prompts and questions to tease out thoughts and see what emerged. But it really popped out when I was sharing this with a few colleagues and they saw it plain and clear. (It’s amazing what can happen when you allow yourself to get help from smart people you trust.)
As I continue to get my message and work out into the world it will continue to take shape and grow. I’m glad you’re here with me!
I’ve shared my OWN IT! CREDO with a few audiences already; I’m glad it is resonating with you. I was tickled when a couple of people shared that they had it posted in their workspace as a reminder for themselves. Mine is posted on my bulletin board.
Download my OWN IT! CREDO – Because It’s Time for a New Story!
Please share your thoughts and ideas in the comments!
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